Key to Acanthognathus Species

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

Key to Acanthognathus species based on workers and queens (modified by Galvis & Fernandez (2009) from Brown & Kempf (1969)).


  • Dorsum of head smooth and shining, without any fossae or rugulose-punctulate sculpture => 2
  • Dorsum of head sculptured, at least with numerous distinct round fossae on the disc, intervals smooth or rugulose => 3


  • Mandibles longer than head in full-face view, each with two or three long spiniform teeth before the apex (Fig. 6); anterior part of head, especially in the region in front of the eyes with a few indistinct fossae; lower portions of sides of mesosoma and petiolar peduncle, in front and behind, minutely and densely punctulate => Acanthognathus teledectus
  • Mandibles not longer than head in full-face view, preapical inner borders unarmed; body completely smooth and shining => Acanthognathus laevigatus
Acanthognathus laevigatus hal.jpg


  • Petiole with very long, slender peduncle, about three times as long as its node, which is short and transverse as seen from above => Acanthognathus stipulosus
  • Petiolar peduncle slender, but less than twice as long as its node, which is oval and at least as long as broad as seen from above => 4


  • Presence of transverse rugae on the posterior cephalic angles (fossil ant from Dominican amber) => Acanthognathus poinari
  • Transverse rugae on the posterior cephalic angles absent => 5


  • Antennal scapes short, chord less than 90% as long as mandibles seen in dorsal view; preapical area of inner mandibular border with (usually two or more) irregular denticles => Acanthognathus brevicornis
Acanthognathus brevicornis casent0280684 p 1 high.jpg
  • Antennal scapes with chord about as long as, to much longer than, the mandibles as seen in dorsal view; inner mandibular borders without preapical denticles, though a submedian welt may be present => 6


  • Mandibles shorter (MI 60-75); dorsum of head completely, densely, and rather finely rugulose, with interspersed fossae numerous, small, and crowded, so that the surface, including the area around the eyes, is essentially opaque => Acanthognathus rudis
Acanthognathus rudis casent0280685 p 1 high.jpg
  • Mandibles longer (MI > 75); dorsum of head loosely sculptured and more or less shining, fossae large and shallow, with smooth spaces or simple longitudinal rugulae between some rows; at least a strip bordering each eye mesially nearly smooth, shining => 7


  • Fossae on posterior half of dorsum or head large, mostly contiguous or separated by single, simple longitudinal rugulae => Acanthognathus lentus
MCZ Acanthognathus lentus hal4.jpg
