
AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

There are four species in this genus which are Parasitoids of ants.

List of Ivieosema and their Host Ants
Genus and species Author and Year Ant Host Distribution Notes
Ivieosema confluens Burks, 2017 ants Madagascar
Ivieosema fraudulenta (Reichensperger, 1913) ants Yemen
Ivieosema limula Burks, 2017 ants Madagascar
Ivieosema striatosoma (Heraty, 1994) ants Rwanda; South Africa; Uganda


  • Heraty, J.M. Revision of the genera |Gollumiella| Hedqvist and |Anorasema| Boucek (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae). JOURBOOK: Invertebrate Taxonomy VOLUME: 6(3) PAGES: 583-604. (1992).
  • Heraty, J.M. A revision of the genera of Eucharitidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of the World. JOURBOOK: Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute VOLUME: 68 PAGES: 367pp. (2002).
  • Heraty, J. Three new species of ¦Gollumiella¦ Hedqvist (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae). JOURBOOK: Zootaxa VOLUME: 497 PAGES: 1-10. (2004).
  • Heraty JM, Mbanyana N, Noort SV (2020) A new species of Eucharissa Westwood (Eucharitidae) from South Africa, with an evaluation of the importance of pupae for assessing relationships in these ant parasitoids. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 43–55. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.79.56042
  • Ishii, T. 1932. Some Philippine eucharids with notes on their oviposition habits. Bulletin of the Imperial agricultural Experiment Station, Nishigahara 3: 203-212.
  • Waterston, J. Notes on African Chalcidoidea IV. JOURBOOK: Bulletin of Entomological Research VOLUME: 6 PAGES: 413-423. (1916).
  • Westwood, J.O. 1868. Descriptions of new genera and species of Chalcididae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1868:xxxvii
  • Westwood, J.O. Thesaurus entomologicus Oxoniensis; or, illustrations of new, rare, and interesting insects, PAGES: xxiv+205pp, 40 plates. (1874).