Key to Australian Acropyga Species

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The following key to Australian Acropyga species has been modified from LaPolla (2004).[1]


  • Antennal scapes and posterior margin of head (in full face view) with numerous long erect hairs (those on scape about as long as scape width) => Acropyga acutiventris

Acropyga acutiventris ANIC32-018689 head 63-Antwiki.jpg Acropyga acutiventris ANIC32-018689 side 40-Antwiki.jpg

  • Antennal scapes and posterior margin of head (in full face view) either lacking erect hairs, or when present, hairs are short (those on scape less than scape width) => 2

Acropyga myops ANIC32-018588 head 63-Antwiki.jpg


Acropyga myops ANIC32-018588 head 63-Antwiki.jpg Acropyga myops ANIC32-018588 side 50-Antwiki.jpg

Acropyga pallida ANIC32-018505 head 80-Antwiki.jpg Acropyga pallida ANIC32-018505 side 50-Antwiki.jpg


  1. LaPolla, J. S. (2004). Acropyga (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the world. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, 33(3), 1–130.