Key to North American Genera of Dolichoderinae

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This key to the genera of North American Dolichoderinae has been adapted from Fisher & Cover (2007).


  • Propodeum (lateral view) strongly hollowed out behind, forming a shelf that overhangs the petiole, the node of which fits snugly into this concavity. Propodeum rounded at juncture of dorsal and declivitous face. Propodeum often strongly sculptured, with large, shallow punctures (A). Eastern and midwestern North America => Dolichoderus (Species key)
  • Propodeum (lateral view) usually not concave (AA). If posterior face is concave in side view, then propodeum is angulate at juncture of dorsal and declivitous faces, not forming an overhanging shelf as described above (Ochetellus glaber) (AAA). Propodeum never strongly sculptured => 2

Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 13.png


  • Propodeal angle (lateral view) with a distinct dorsally projecting cone or tooth at juncture of dorsal and posterior faces (A). Maxillary palp segment 3 elongated, about equal to combined lengths of segments 4 through 6 (B) => Dorymyrmex
  • Propodeum without a dorsally projecting cone or tooth (AA). Segment 3 of maxillary palp short, about as long as segment 4 (BB) => 3

Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 14a.png Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 14b.png


  • Mesosoma dorsum (lateral view) without erect hairs (A) => 4
  • Mesosoma dorsum with erect hairs (AA) (most easily seen against a dark background) => 6

Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 15.png


  • In side view, propodeum with a weakly concave posterior face that meets the dorsal face at a distinct angle (A). Florida => Ochetellus (Ochetellus glaber)
  • Propodeum rounded at juncture of dorsal and posterior faces (AA) => 5

Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 16.png


  • Petiolar scale well developed (A). First two antennal segments beyond scape equal in length (B). In side view, propodeum rounded with dorsal and posterior face approximately equal in length (C) => Linepithema (Linepithema humile)
  • Petiole flattened, without a conspicuous, dorsally protruding scale (petiole often concealed by the succeeding abdominal segment) (AA). First antennal segment beyond scape about twice as long as second (BB). In side view, dorsal face of propodeum much shorter than posterior face (CC) => Tapinoma (Species key)

Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 17.png


  • Head, body, legs except tarsi dark brown-black, tarsi contrastingly pale; sides of mesosoma conspicuously microreticulate (A) => Technomyrmex (Species key)
  • If blackish, tarsi not contrastingly pale; sides of mesosoma not conspicuously sculptured (AA) => 7

Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 18.png


  • Clypeal margin more or less straight (A); setae of anterior margin of clypeus short and straight, ending far short of the anterior margin of closed mandibles (A). Workers somewhat polymorphic. Metanotal groove reduced to thin suture across dorsum that does not clearly interrupt mesosomal profile (B). Western North America => Liometopum (Species key)
  • Clypeal margin convex (AA); anterior clypeal margin with several conspicuously curved setae that extend to or beyond anterior margin of closed mandibles (AA). Workers monomorphic. Profile of mesosoma interrupted by metanotal groove, clearly dividing mesonotum from propodeum (BB). Widespread, especially in southern North America => Forelius (Species key)

Fisher & Cover 2007, Key Fig. 19.png


  • Fisher, B. L.; Cover, S. P. 2007. Ants of North America. A guide to genera. Berkeley: University of California Press, xiv + 194 pp.