Key to Prenolepis of China
This worker key is based on: Chen, Z., Zhou, S. 2018. A review of the ant genus Prenolepis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in China, with descriptions of four new species. Zoological Systematics 43:58-65 (DOI 10.11865/zs.201806).
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- Head smooth and shining; petiolar node scale-like, peduncle much lower than anterior face of the node, anterior face and posterior face of the node form a triangle in lateral view . . . . . Prenolepis quinquedenta
- Head feebly punctate; petiolar node thick, peduncle at the same level with the anterior face of the node, so that the anterior face of the node cannot be separated from peduncle, form a right-angle with the posterior face of the node . . . . . Prenolepis angulinoda (=Prenolepis fustinoda)
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- Posterodorsal corner of propodeum in lateral view angulate or nearly angulate . . . . . 4
- Posterodorsal corner of propodeum in lateral view rounded, not angulate . . . . . 6
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- Head finely and densely striate and punctate, dull . . . . . Prenolepis striata
- Head smooth and shining . . . . . 5
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- Mesopleuron and propodeum smooth and shining . . . . . Prenolepis angularis
- Mesopleuron and propodeum finely longitudinally striate and reticulate . . . . . Prenolepis cyclopia
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- Head broader than long or as broad as long. Eyes moderately large, not prominent . . . . . Prenolepis melanogaster
- Head distinctly longer than broad. Eyes large and prominent . . . . . Prenolepis naoroji