Key to Stictoponera of India

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Identification key to the known Indian species of Stictoponera based on workers (modified from Dhadwal & Bharti (2023).


  • Fourth abdominal tergite (II gastral tergite) with abundant costae, striae and strigulae (Fig: A) => Stictoponera coxalis
  • Fourth abdominal tergite (II gastral tergite) mostly smooth and with scattered punctate (Fig: B) => 2
  • Dhadwal & Bharti (2023), Fig. 6. Fourth abdominal tergite (II gastral tergite). A. Stictoponera coxalis (from Antweb-CASENT0281842); B. Stictoponera bicolor (from Antweb-CASENT0907201).


return to couplet #1

  • Fourth abdominal sternite (II gastral sternite) mostly smooth, scattered punctae or punctulae may be present but do not form ridges or strigulae => Stictoponera binghamii (in part)
  • Fourth abdominal sternite (II gastral sternite) with transverse rugae or rugulae on most of surface => 3


return to couplet #2

  • Occipital lobes posteroventrally protuberant; eyes separated from posterior cephalic margin, excluding lobes, by one ED or less (Fig: A) => 4
  • Occipital lobes modest, usually more ventrally protuberant; eyes separated from posterior cephalic margin by more than one ED (Fig: B) => 6
  • Dhadwal & Bharti (2023), Fig. 7. Head in profile view. A. Stictoponera menadensis (from AntWiki-G. menadensisL3.2); B. Stictoponera binghamii (from Antweb-CASENT0907195).


return to couplet #4

  • Mesosoma with abundant, scattered standing hairs in lateral view; metacoxal spine usually straight and slender (Fig: B) => Stictoponera bicolor
  • Mesosoma without standing hairs in lateral view, one or two at most; metacoxal spine robust and curved (Fig: A) => 5
  • Dhadwal & Bharti (2023), Fig. 8. Mesosoma in profile view. A. Stictoponera menadensis (from AntWiki-G. menadensisL3.2.jpg); B. Stictoponera bicolor (from Antweb-CASENT0217481).


return to couplet #5

  • Body mostly foveolate; Subpetiolar process polygonal ventrally produced into denticle (Fig: A) => Stictoponera lattkei
  • Pronotum and mesonotum areolate, foveate-reticulate and mesosomal dorsum has a smooth median strip; Subpetiolar process subquadrate or lobe like (Fig: B) => Stictoponera menadensis
  • Dhadwal & Bharti (2023), Fig. 9. Body in profile view. A. Stictoponera lattkei; B. Stictoponera menadensis (From AntWiki-G. menadensisL3.2.jpg).


return to couplet #4

  • Antennal scapes are devoid of longitudinal strigae, and the occipital lobes are absent. (Fig: A) => Stictoponera meghalaya
  • Antennal scapes frequently include strigae; occipital lobes are small but distinct (Fig: B) => Stictoponera binghamii (in part)
  • Dhadwal & Bharti (2023), Fig. 10. Head in full face view. A. Stictoponera meghalaya (from Antweb-CASENT0900563); B. Stictoponera binghamii (Forel, 1900) (from Antweb-CASENT0217482).
