Monomorium species groups

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Barry Bolton (1987) revised the Afrotropical Monomorium and organized all of the species in the genus "into a system of informal species-groups which are defined and discussed on a world-wide basis." In this revision a set of Afrotropical species-groups were defined, including an enumeration of their constituent species. Species-groups proposed for species from other parts of the world, i.e. not in the Afrotropics, were also given along with diagnostic morphology that would place species into each group. There were no species listed for the members of each named group, in part because these other Monomorium species clearly required more study. Heterick (2006) revised the Malagasy Monomorium and used Bolton's Afrotropical species-groups as a foundation for organizing the many new species described.

Information about these species groups, including descriptions and constituent species, are given on the following page: Afrotropical and Malagasy Monomorium species groups

Heterick (2001) revised a large portion of the Australian Monomorium fauna. Some of Bolton's proposed non-Afrotropical species-group names were thus populated with named species, while other groups were newly created: Australian Monomorium species groups. Sparks et. al. (2015) revised the Australian M. rothsteini species group. Monomorium rothsteini species group

DuBois (1986) revised the North and Central American Monomorium minimum species-group

A study by Collingwood and Agosti (1996) described many new Saudi Arabian Monomorium species but the treated species were not placed into species-groups.

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