Neoponera rostrata

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Neoponera rostrata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Ponerinae
Tribe: Ponerini
Genus: Neoponera
Species: N. rostrata
Binomial name
Neoponera rostrata
(Emery, 1890)

Pachycondyla rostrata casent0178713 profile 1.jpg

Pachycondyla rostrata casent0178713 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen labels

The biology of this species is unknown.


From Mackay and Mackay (2010): The worker and female of N. rostrata are easily separated from nearly all of the others in the genus by the greatly elongated mandibles. Neoponera rostrata could only be confused with Neoponera agilis (which also has elongated mandibles), from which it can be separated by the presence of a moderately developed carina on the pronotal shoulder, which is lacking in N. agilis. In addition, the anterior face of the petiole of N. rostrata is convex, not straight or slightly concave as in N. agilis. The differences between these two are slight and when sufficient material is available to evaluate the characteristics, they may be shown to be the same species.



Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: -0.5447° to -19.15°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Neotropical Region: Ecuador, Venezuela (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • rostrata. Pachycondyla rostrata Emery, 1890a: 59 (q.) VENEZUELA.
    • Type-material: holotype queen.
    • Type-locality: Venezuela: San Esteban (no collector’s name).
    • Type-depository: MSNG.
    • Mackay & Mackay, 2010: 496 (w.).
    • Combination in Neoponera (Eumecopone): Forel, 1901e: 336; Emery, 1911d: 71;
    • combination in Pachycondyla: Brown, in Bolton, 1995b: 309;
    • combination in Neoponera: Emery, 1901a: 47; Schmidt, C.A. & Shattuck, 2014: 151.
    • Status as species: Dalla Torre, 1893: 35; Forel, 1901e: 336; Emery, 1911d: 71; Kempf, 1972a: 161; Bolton, 1995b: 309; Mackay, Mackay, et al. 2008: 196; Mackay & Mackay, 2010: 496 (redescription); Feitosa, 2015c: 99; Fernández & Guerrero, 2019: 534.
    • Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela.



From Mackay and Mackay (2010): The worker (undescribed) is a moderate sized dark ant (total length 13 mm). The mandible is greatly elongate, longer than the length of the head and has about 18 small teeth. The anterior border of clypeus is nearly straight. The malar carina is developed only about ½ of the distance to the eye. The head is slightly narrower anteriorly and the posterior border is nearly straight. The eyes are moderately large (maximum diameter 0.6 mm) occupying nearly ⅓ of the length of the side of the head. The scape is long, extending nearly ½ of its length past the posterior lateral corner. The carina is present on the pronotal shoulder (but poorly developed); the metanotal suture is depressed below the level of the remainder of the mesosoma and breaks the sculpturing on the dorsum. The anterior face the petiole is broadly convex; the posterior face is nearly vertical. Long (up to 0.6 mm) erect and suberect hairs and golden appressed pubescence are present on all surfaces.

The mandibles are finely longitudinally striate, the remainder of the surfaces is punctate, all surfaces except the gaster (weakly shining) are dull.


From Mackay and Mackay (2010): The female is a large (total length 17 mm) black specimen with reddish brown legs. The mandible is very long (2.9 mm) with 18 well-developed teeth and with smaller teeth or denticles between most of the teeth. The head length is 3.0 mm; the head width is 2.4 mm. The head is narrowed anteriorly and posterior margin is concave. The eye is large (maximum diameter 0.66 mm) and is located slightly more than one diameter from the anterior margin of the head. The malar carina is well developed, but only reaches ⅔ of the distance to the eye. The ocelli are well developed (maximum diameter of the median ocellus 0.14 mm, of the lateral ocellus 0.12 mm). The scape (length 3.6 mm) extends about ⅓ of the length past the posterior lateral corner of the head. The pronotal carina is poorly developed; the propodeal spiracle is slit-shaped. The anterior face of the petiole is slightly convex, sloping upwards posteriorly and rounded into the posterior face, which is nearly vertical. The subpetiolar process is well developed and consists of a rounded or rectangular lobe anteriorly and a slender area posteriorly. The anterior face of the postpetiole has a broadly rounded face. The stridulatory file is well developed on the second pretergite; and the arolium is well developed between the tarsal claws.

Erect hairs are present on the mandibles, clypeus, sides the head, posterior margin of the head, dorsal and ventral surfaces of the head, the shaft of the scape and mesosoma, petiole and gaster; the hairs on the legs are coarse, abundant and mostly sub-erect. Golden pubescence is present on the head, mesosoma, petiole and gaster.

The mandibles are finely sculptured and dull, the head is punctate, most surfaces of the mesosoma are dull and punctate, as are the petiole and gaster.


Males are not known for this species.

Type Material

Venezuela, San Esteban (Mackay and Mackay 2010)


The name of this species comes from the Latin word rostratus, which means beaked or curved and refers to the curved beak-like form of the mandibles, especially when viewed from the side. (Mackay and Mackay 2010)


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Andrade T., G. D. V. Marques, K. Del-Claro. 2007. Diversity of ground dwelling ants in Cerrado: an analysis of temporal variations and distinctive physiognomies of vegetation (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 50(1): 121-134.
  • Emery C. 1911. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Ponerinae. Genera Insectorum 118: 1-125.
  • Fernández, F. and S. Sendoya. 2004. Lista de las hormigas neotropicales. Biota Colombiana Volume 5, Number 1.
  • Franco W., N. Ladino, J. H. C. Delabie, A. Dejean, J. Orivel, M. Fichaux, S. Groc, M. Leponce, and R. M. Feitosa. 2019. First checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of French Guiana. Zootaxa 4674(5): 509-543.
  • Kempf, W.W. 1972. Catalago abreviado das formigas da regiao Neotropical (Hym. Formicidae) Studia Entomologica 15(1-4).
  • Mackay, W.P. and E.E. MacKay. 2010. The systematics and biology of the New World ants of the genus Pachycondyla (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Edwin Mellen Press Lewiston, NY
  • Ribas C. R., J. H. Schoereder, M. Pic, and S. M. Soares. 2003. Tree heterogeneity, resource availability, and larger scale processes regulating arboreal ant species richness. Austral Ecology 28(3): 305-314.
  • Ryder Wilkie K.T., A. L. Mertl, and J. F. A. Traniello. 2010. Species Diversity and Distribution Patterns of the Ants of Amazonian Ecuador. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13146.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013146