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17:03, 22 September 2024 Reemer Sankararman 2024.pdf (file) 17.07 MB Reemer M, Sankararaman H (2024) Revision of the Oriental species of the hoverfly genus Paramixogaster Brunetti, 1923 (Diptera, Syrphidae, Microdontinae). ZooKeys 1208: 1-48. 1
17:18, 21 September 2024 Contents hide.jpg (file) 422 KB Cossyphodes wasmanni 1
17:14, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes vandami.jpg (file) 360 KB Cossyphodes vandami 1
17:12, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes uviranus.jpg (file) 291 KB Cossyphodes uviranus 1
17:09, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes raffrayi.jpg (file) 183 KB Cossyphodes raffrayi 1
17:06, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes mourgliai.jpg (file) 428 KB Cossyphodes mourgliai 1
17:03, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes machadoi.jpg (file) 331 KB Cossyphodes machadoi 1
17:00, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes kundelunguensis.jpg (file) 259 KB Cossyphodes kundelunguensis 1
16:58, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes freudei.jpg (file) 349 KB Cossyphodes freudei 1
16:53, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes braunsi.jpg (file) 274 KB Cossyphodes braunsi 1
16:48, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes angolanus.jpg (file) 295 KB Cossyphodes angolanus 1
16:12, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes naukluftensis.jpg (file) 237 KB Cossyphodes naukluftensis 1
16:07, 21 September 2024 Cossyphodes caecus.jpg (file) 339 KB Cossyphodes caecus 1
17:23, 13 September 2024 Platybolim watanai.jpg (file) 12 KB Munetoshi Maruyama, Hasin Sasitorn and Kiyoshi Ando. 2023. A Description of the Second Species of the Genus Platybolium Blair, 1938 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) collected from A Nest of Pheidole singaporensis Özdikmen, 2010 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Thailand. Zootaxa. 5256(3); 289-294. 1
16:38, 13 September 2024 Neosampa granulata A.jpg (file) 47 KB Neosampa granulata 1
16:22, 13 September 2024 General etal2024 Ants of Lake Holon.pdf (file) 582 KB General, D.E.G, Nonesa G. Ali, Joelyn D. Mamon, Perry Archival C. Buenavente, Rizalyn B. Cudera. 2024. A Survey of the Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Volcanic Caldera of Mt. Melibengoy, Mindanao Island, Philippines. Asian Journal of Biodiversity. Vol 15, No 1 (47-75. 1
16:51, 7 September 2024 Zeasampa.jpg (file) 40 KB Zeasampa nunni Nomura and Leschen 1
16:16, 7 September 2024 Neosampa granulata.jpg (file) 55 KB Neosampa granulata Broun, 1921 1
15:53, 7 September 2024 Zeadalmodes brevis.jpg (file) 46 KB Zeadalmodes brevis Nomura and Leschen 1
15:46, 7 September 2024 Zeadalmodes myrmecophilus.jpg (file) 46 KB Zeadalmodes myrmecophilus Nomura and Leschen 1
15:19, 7 September 2024 Parkerola gigantea.jpg (file) 23 KB Parkerola gigantea 1
16:28, 6 September 2024 Myrmecoplectus attenuatus.jpg (file) 262 KB Myrmecoplectus attenuatus 1
15:49, 6 September 2024 Myrmecoplectus wellingtonicus A.jpg (file) 309 KB Myrmecoplectus wellingtonicus Nomura and Leschen 1
15:25, 6 September 2024 Kenoccoelus johni.jpg (file) 18 KB Kenoccoelus Johni 1
15:24, 6 September 2024 Kenoccoelus mikonuiensis.jpg (file) 19 KB Kenoceolus mikonuiensis 1
15:16, 6 September 2024 Nomura Leschen 2015.pdf (file) 2.12 MB Nomura, Shûhei & Leschen, Richard A. B., 2015, Myrmecophilous Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from New Zealand, The Coleopterists Bulletin 69 (1), pp. 121-152 1
17:28, 5 September 2024 Kenoccoelus dimorphus.jpg (file) 22 KB Kenocoelus dimorphus 1
17:03, 5 September 2024 Holloceratognathus-passaliformis.jpg (file) 116 KB Holloceratognathus passaliformis (Holloway) 1
17:30, 21 August 2024 Kistner 1958.pdf (file) 579 KB Kistner, D.H. (1958) Pygosteninae (Coleoptera Polyphaga) Fam. Staphylinidae. Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba I. Mission G. F. de Witte, en collaboration avec W. Adam, A Janssens, L. Van Meel et R. Verheyen (1946-1949). Fascicule 49 (4): 33-40. Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Bruxelles. 1
17:15, 21 August 2024 Typhloponemys aduma.jpg (file) 173 KB Typhloponemys aduma 1
16:57, 21 August 2024 Pace 2009.pdf (file) 7.73 MB Pace, R. (2009) Aleocharinae du Gabon récoltées par Dr H. Coiffait (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie, 79. 1
17:23, 19 August 2024 Dinarda dentata.jpg (file) 42 KB Photo: Hjalte Kjærby Dinarda dentata 1
17:17, 19 August 2024 Hölldobler B, Kwapich 2019.pdf (file) 9.79 MB Hölldobler B, Kwapich CL. Behavior and exocrine glands in the myrmecophilous beetle Dinarda dentata (Gravenhorst, 1806) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). PLoS One. 2019 Jan 11;14(1) 1
16:05, 16 August 2024 Myrmetes paykulli.jpg (file) 13 KB Myrmetes paykulli Creator Otto Bylén Claesson Publisher iNaturalist Record licence http://creativeco...censes/by-nc/4.0/ References https://www.inatu.../photos/198911508 Created 2022-05-20T03:26:37.000+00:00 Rights holder Otto Bylén Claesson Identifier https://inaturali...1508/original.jpg Suggested attribution Myrmetes paykulli Kanaar, 1979 Observed in Sweden by Otto Bylén Claesson (licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) 1
15:59, 16 August 2024 ZK-675-057 article-12690 en 1.pdf (file) 7.99 MB Lackner T (2017) Redescription of the enigmatic neotropical inquiline Paramyrmetes foveipennis Bruch, 1929 with notes on myrmecophily (Coleoptera, Histeridae) in the Saprininae subfamily. ZooKeys 675: 57-73. 1
17:48, 15 August 2024 Synoditulus.jpg (file) 24 KB Title ECIMY069-19 Dorsal Record licence http://creativeco...censes/by-sa/4.0/ References http://bins.bolds...essid=ECIMY069-19 Identifier http://www.boldsy...02+1668684893.jpg Suggested attribution "ECIMY069-19 Dorsal" - Synoditulus Reichensperger, 1924 Collected in Costa Rica (licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) 1
16:48, 15 August 2024 Trichoreninus.jpg (file) 27 KB Trichoreninus Title ECIMY1174-19 Dorsal Record licence No Rights Reserved References http://bins.bolds...ssid=ECIMY1174-19 Identifier http://www.boldsy...03+1570794112.jpg 1
16:40, 15 August 2024 Symphilister.jpg (file) 29 KB Symphilister Title NYKRO003-16 Dorsal Record licence No Rights Reserved References http://bins.bolds...essid=NYKRO003-16 Identifier http://www.boldsy...al+1570797306.jpg 1
15:56, 15 August 2024 Psalidister sp.jpg (file) 20 KB Title ECIMY065-19 Dorsal Record licence No Rights Reserved References http://bins.bolds...essid=ECIMY065-19 Identifier http://www.boldsy...al+1570791984.jpg 1
14:45, 16 July 2024 Psw4356-12 p 1 high.jpg (file) 533 KB © 2024 California Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Citation: AntWeb. Version 8.108. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 16 July 2024. 1
19:04, 26 May 2024 Formica obscuripes female reproducctive 225A6477.jpg (file) 433 KB Formica obscuripes female reproductive from nest near Alpine, Arizona. Collected by Zane Holditch and Gary Alpert on 25 May 2024. 1
15:54, 26 April 2024 Lasius brevicornis.jpg (file) 759 KB Lasius brevicornis, collected by Gary Alpert & Zane Holditch, Joseph City, Arizona; 22 April, 2024 in sandy wash under cottonwood tree. 1
19:40, 20 April 2024 Clientister.jpg (file) 147 KB Clientister 1
19:26, 20 April 2024 Aphanister fungifer.jpg (file) 242 KB Aphanister fungifer 1
22:25, 18 April 2024 Flanged Bombardier Beetles of Nepal Inse.pdf (file) 3.68 MB Nagel, Peter (2018). "Flanged Bombardier Beetles of Nepal (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae), with nomenclatural and taxonomic notes and descriptions of new species". In Hartmann, M.; M.V.L. Barclay; J. Weipert (eds.). Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VI. pp. 249–282. 1
14:21, 16 April 2024 Hippeutister-amabilis.jpg (file) 135 KB Hippeutister amabilis 1
14:17, 16 April 2024 Hippeutister-plaumanni.jpg (file) 66 KB Hippeutister plaumanni 1
02:45, 16 April 2024 Hippeutister-manicatus.jpg (file) 63 KB Hippeutister manicatus 1
01:52, 16 April 2024 Hippeutister-castaneus.jpg (file) 71 KB Hippeutister castaneus 1
01:46, 16 April 2024 Hippeutister-solisi.jpg (file) 56 KB Hippeutister solisi 1
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