
AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

There are 73 species in this parasitoid genus of Phoridae, only a few attack ants.

List of Chonocephalus and their Host Ants
Genus and species Author and Year Ant Host Distribution
Chonocephalus buccatus Malloch, 1912 Eciton burchellii
Chonocephalus ecitophilus Borgmeier & Schmitz, 1923 ants


  • Borgmeier, Thomaz (1925). "Novos subsidios para o conhecimento da familia Phoridae". Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. 25: 85–281. Retrieved 22 October 2020.
  • Borgmeier, Thomas (1928). "Nota previa sobre alguns phorideos que parasitam formigas cortadeiras dos generos Atta e AcroPmyrmex". Bol. Biol. Lab. Arasit. Fac. Med. S. Paulo. 1928: 119–126.
  • Borgmeier, T. (1961). "Weitere Beitraege zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Phoriden, nebst Beschreibung einiger Dohrniphora-Arten aus der indo-australischen Region (Diptera, Phoridae)". Studia Entomologica. 4: 1–112.
  • Borgmeier, T. (1971). "Further studies on phorid flies, mainly of the Neotropical Region (Diptera, Phoridae)". Studia Entomologica. 14: 1–172.
  • Brown BV. Differential host use by neotropical phorid flies (Diptera: Phoridae) that are parasitoids of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Sociobiology. 1999;33(3):95–103.
  • Brown BV, Kung GA, Porras W. A new type of ant-decapitation in the Phoridae (Insecta: Diptera). Biodivers Data J. 2015 Jan 2;(3):e4299
  • Disney, R.H.L. (2007). "New species and revisionary notes on scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) associated with neotropical army ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)". Sociobiology. 49 (3): 1–58.
  • Disney, R.H.L.; Franquinho Aguiar, Antonio M. (2008). "Scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) of Madeira". Fragmenta Faunistica. 51: 23–62.
  • Kung, G.-A. & Brown, B.V. 2005. New species of Dohrniphora related to D. longirostrata (Diptera: Phoridae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98: 55-62.
  • Malloch, J.R. (1912). "The insects of the dipterous family Phoridae in the United States National Museum". Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 43 (1938): 411–529.
  • Schmitz, H. 1924. Een nieuwe phoride, Cremersia zikani n. g. n. sp. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 13: 32-34.