
AntWiki: The Ants --- Online
Region Americas
Subregion Northern America
BioRegion Nearctic Region
Subfamilies 1
Genera 1
Endemic Genera 0
% Endemic Genera NaN%
Species/Subspecies 1
Endemic Species 0
% Endemic Species NaN%
Introduced Species 1

Greenland (Kalaallisut: Kalaallit Nunaat meaning "Land of the Greenlanders"; Danish: Grønland) is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark, located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Physiographically, it is a part of the continent of North America. The largest island in Greenland is also named Greenland, and makes up most of the country's land area.

Recent authors state that no ants now live in Greenland, though there are fossil ants from northern Greenland (e.g., BENNIKE & BÖCHER 1990, HEINZE 1993, Wetterer, 2010). Through personal communication (Georgiadis & Vilhelmsen, 2024) there is a report of a Monomorium pharaonis introduction close to the main airport of Nuuk.



Bennike, Ole; Böcher, Jens 1989. Forest-Tundra Neighbouring the North Pole: Plant and Insect Remains from the Plio-Pleistocene Kap København Formation, North Greenland. Arctic 43(4):331-338.

Heinze, J. 1993b. Life histories of subarctic ants. Arctic 46(4):354-358.