Key to Greek species of Temnothorax anodonotoides species group

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Key to members of the Temnothorax anodonotoides species-group known from Greece based on Salata & Borowiec (2022).


  • Head with reduced sculpture, frons medially with long and narrow smooth or indistinctly punctate area (Fig. 15). Body predominantly yellowish brown (Figs 9, 10). Mountains of Peloponnese => Temnothorax parnonensis
  • Head strongly sculptured, distinctly reticulate (Figs 7, 8). Body predominantly brown to almost black (Figs 1, 2, 5, 6, 17, 18) => 2


return to couplet #1

  • Petiole with short peduncle (Fig. 6). Propodeal spines well marked, needle shaped (Fig. 6). Euboea => Temnothorax euboeae
  • Petiole with elongated peduncle (Figs 2, 18). Propodeal spines absent or short, in form of triangular denticle (Figs 2, 18) => 3


return to couplet #2

  • Petiole regularly rounded in profile, with shorter peduncle (Fig. 2), petiolar and postpetiolar dorsum with distinct irregular rugae; promesonotum with denser and thinner sculpture (Fig. 1). Peloponnese => Temnothorax arkasi
  • Petiole subangulate in profile, with longer peduncle (Fig. 18), petiolar and postpetiolar dorsum reticulate, rugae absent, promesonotum with thicker and sparser sculpture (Fig. 17). Crete => Temnothorax ikarosi
Temnothorax ikarosi F28.jpg
Temnothorax ikarosi F26-27.jpg
