Key to Oriental and Palearctic Stenamma

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This worker key is based on: Bharti, H.; Gul, I.; Sharma, Y. P. 2012. Two new species of Stenamma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Indian Himalaya with a revised key to the Palaearctic and Oriental species. Sociobiology. 59:317-330.

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  • In full face view, antennal scapes distinctly surpassed occipital corners . . . . . 2
  • In full face view, antennal scapes reached to or not reached to occipital corners . . . . . 9


return to couplet #1

  • In profile view, petiolar node distinctly shorter than anterior peduncle . . . . . 3
  • In profile view, petiolar node as long as or longer than anterior peduncle . . . . . 4


return to couplet #2

  • In full face view, occipital corners rounded. In profile view, metanotal groove deeply depressed. Propodeal plates narrow, nearly triangular (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Japan) . . . . . Stenamma nipponense
Stenamma nipponense casent0605172 p 1 high.jpg
  • In full face view, occipital corners roundly prominent. In profile view, metanotal groove shallowly depressed. Propodeal plates broad, nearly trapezoid. (Distribution: China (Yunnan Province)) . . . . . Stenamma ailaoense
Liu - xu 2011-9.jpg Stenamma ailaoense hef.jpg
Liu - xu 2011-9 Stenamma-ailaoense hal.jpg


return to couplet #2

  • In full face view, occipital margin roundly convex . . . . . 5
  • In full face view, occipital margin nearly straight . . . . . 6


return to couplet #4

  • In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum evenly convex. Propodeal dorsum straight. Propodeal plates nearly trapezoid, truncated at apices (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) . . . . . Stenamma msilanum
  • In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum nearly straight. Propodeal dorsum weakly convex. Propodeal plates nearly semicircular, rounded at apices (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Southern Europe, mostly France and Italy) . . . . . Stenamma petiolatum
Rigato 2011 Stenamma petiolatum h.jpg
Rigato 2011 Stenamma petiolatum.jpg


return to couplet #4

  • In full face view, head broadest at back, narrowed forward, lateral sides relatively straight . . . . . 7
  • In full face view, head broadest in the middle, lateral sides evenly convex. . . . . . 8


return to couplet #6

  • Mandibles with 7 teeth. In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole extruding and forming a rightly angled tooth (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: England, Belgium) . . . . . Stenamma westwoodii
Rigato 2011 Stenamma westwoodii wh.jpg
Rigato 2011 Stenamma westwoodii wp2.jpg
  • Mandibles with 9 teeth. In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole weakly convex, not forming a tooth (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Russia) . . . . . Stenamma lippulum
Stenamma lippulum casent0904151 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #6

  • In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum evenly convex. Dorsum of petiolar node roundly prominent (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Spain) . . . . . Stenamma sardoum
Stenamma sardoum casent0904150 p 1 high.jpg
  • In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum nearly straight. Dorsum of petiolar node rounded (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Sardinia) . . . . . Stenamma sardoum


return to couplet #1

  • In full face view, antennal scapes distinctly not reached to occipital corners . . . . . 10
  • In full face view, antennal scapes reached to occipital corners . . . . . 16


return to couplet #9

  • In profile view, petiolar node distinctly longer than anterior peduncle (Dubois, 1998). (Distribution: Eastern Russia) . . . . . Stenamma ussuriense
  • In profile view, petiolar node approximately as long as anterior peduncle . . . . . . 11


return to couplet #10

  • In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole extended and finger-like (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Morocco) . . . . . Stenamma punctiventre
Stenamma punctiventre casent0913972 p 1 high.jpg
  • In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole prominent, tooth-like or bluntly angled . . . . . 12


return to couplet #11

  • In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole acutely toothed (Lyu etal., 2002). (Distribution: Korea) . . . . . Stenamma koreanense
Stenamma koreanense casent0900944 p 1 high.jpg
  • In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole bluntly angled . . . . . 13


return to couplet #12

  • In full face view, lateral sides of head strongly convex. In profile view, propodeal spines shorter than propodeal plates (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Pakistan) . . . . . Stenamma jeriorum
Stenamma jeriorum casent0900947 p 1 high.jpg
  • In full face view, lateral sides of head weakly convex or parallel. In profile view, propodeal spines as long as or longer than propodeal plates . . . . . 14


return to couplet #13

  • In full face view, lateral sides of head weakly convex. In profile view, propodeal spines as long as or longer than propodeal plates. Head dorsum above eyes with rugae forming concentric loop like structures (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Azerbaijan, Georgia, southern Russia) . . . . . Stenamma lippulum
Stenamma lippulum casent0904151 p 1 high.jpg
  • In full face view, lateral sides of head parallel. In profile view, propodeal spines longer or equal to propodeal plates. Head dorsum above eyes with rugae not forming loop like structures. (Distribution: Himalaya) . . . . . 15


return to couplet #14

  • Dorsum of petiolar peduncle smooth without a central longitudinal carina. Postpetiolar anteroventral corner slightly extruding, tooth like. Propodeal plates broad, as long as is the length of propodeal spines . . . . . Stenamma wilsoni
Stenamma wilsoni antweb1008038 p 1 high.jpg
  • Dorsum of petiolar peduncle with a central longitudinal carina. Postpetiolar anteroventral corner strongly extruding. Propodeal plates broad, roughly rectangular, slightly shorter than propodeal spines . . . . . Stenamma jhitingriense
Stenamma jhitingriense antweb1008039 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #9

  • In profile view, petiolar node distinctly shorter than anterior peduncle . . . . . 17
  • In profile view, petiolar node as long as or longer than anterior peduncle . . . . . 18


return to couplet #16

  • Eyes with 8-9 ommatidia in the maximum diameter. Mesopleura retirugose (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Japan, China (Sichuan Province) . . . . . Stenamma owstoni
  • Eyes with 4 ommatidia in the maximum diameter. Mesopleura longitudinally rugose. (Distribution: China (Yunnan Province)) . . . . . Stenamma wumengense


return to couplet #16

  • In profile view, petiolar node distinctly longer than anterior peduncle . . . . . 19
  • In profile view, petiolar node about as long as anterior peduncle . . . . . 21


return to couplet #18

  • In profile view, propodeal spines longer than propodeal plates. Propodeal plates triangular, bluntly angled at apices (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) . . . . . Stenamma msilanum
  • In profile view, propodeal spines shorter than propodeal plates. Propodeal plates nearly trapezoid, truncated at apices . . . . . 20


return to couplet #19

  • In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum roundly convex. Propodeal spines posteriorly curved. Dorsum of petiolar node narrowly prominent (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Tajikstan) . . . . . Stenamma hissarianum
  • In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum relatively straight. Propodeal spines not posteriorly curved. Dorsum of petiolar node broadly rounded (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Kazakhstan, Kirghizia) . . . . . Stenamma picetojuglandeti
Stenamma picetojuglandeti casent0280812 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #18

  • In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole acutely toothed. Petiolar node lower, with dorsum rounded (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Nepal) . . . . . Stenamma gurkhale
Stenamma gurkhale casent0900945 p 1 high.jpg
  • In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole bluntly angled or roundly prominent. Petiolar node higher, with dorsum roundly or narrowly prominent . . . . . 22


return to couplet #21

  • In full face view, head distinctly narrowed forward . . . . . 23
  • In full face view, head not distinctly narrowed forward . . . . . 25


return to couplet #22

  • In full face view, occipital margin weakly convex. In profile view, dorsum of petiolar node broadly rounded, both anterior and posterior faces convex (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: From Spain to Turkey) . . . . . Stenamma striatulum
Stenamma striatulum casent0010683 profile 1.jpg
  • In full face view, occipital margin straight. In profile view, dorsum of petiolar node narrowly prominent, both anterior and posterior faces relatively straight . . . . . 24


return to couplet #23

  • In full face view, occipital corners roundly prominent. In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum weakly convex (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Southern Europe, mostly France and Italy) . . . . . Stenamma petiolatum
Rigato 2011 Stenamma petiolatum h.jpg
Rigato 2011 Stenamma petiolatum.jpg
  • In full face view, occipital corners rounded. In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum strongly convex (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Georgia, Southern Russia) . . . . . Stenamma georgii


return to couplet #22

  • In full face view, occipital margin evenly roundly convex (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Throughout Europe) . . . . . Stenamma debile
Stenamma debile casent0010691 profile 1.jpg
  • In full face view, occipital margin straight or weakly concave in the middle . . . . . 26


return to couplet #25

  • In profile view, propodeal dorsum nearly horizontal . . . . . 27
  • In profile view, propodeal dorsum slope down backward ............ . . . . . 28


return to couplet #26

  • In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum roundly convex. Propodeal dorsum weakly convex (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: France (Corsica), Italy (Sardinia), Spain) . . . . . Stenamma orousseti ( = Stenamma debile)
Stenamma debile casent0010691 profile 1.jpg
  • In profile view dorsum of promesonotum nearly straight. Propodeal dorsum straight (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: Russia (Kuril) . . . . . Stenamma kurilense


return to couplet #26

  • In profile view, propodeal declivity roundly concave. Anterior face of petiolar node formed a strong depression with peduncle (DuBois, 1998. (Distribution: Uzebekistan) . . . . . Stenamma sogdianum
  • In profile view, propodeal declivity straight. Anterior face of petiolar node formed a weak depression with peduncle . . . . . 29


return to couplet #28

  • In profile view, propodeal spines shorter than propodeal plates. Propodeal plates truncated at apices (DuBois, 1998). (Distribution: India (Kashimir), Pakistan) . . . . . Stenamma kashmirense
Stenamma kashmirense casent0900946 p 1 high.jpg
  • In profile view, propodeal spines as long as propodeal plates. Propodeal plates rounded at apices. (Distribution: China (Tibet, Sichuan Province) . . . . . Stenamma yaluzangbum