Key to Wadeura workers

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This key to workers of Wadeura is based on Branstetter & Longino (2022).


  • Mandible strongly falcate (Fig. 13A); ventral margin of petiole a deep, evenly convex lobe (Fig. 14A); common species from Mexico to Brazil and Peru => Wadeura guianensis
  • Mandible triangular (Fig. 13B–D); ventral margin of petiole less symmetrical (Fig. 14B–D); rare species from South America => 2
Fig. 14. Wadeura species, petiole lateral views. (A) W. guianensis (CASENT0640150). (B) W. pauli (CASENT0637806). (C) W. holmgreni (CASENT0373370). (D) W. holmgrenita (CASENT0637779). Scale bars are 0.2 mm.


return to couplet #1

  • Ventral margin of petiole a triangular lobe with pronounced anterior tooth (Fig. 14 B) => Wadeura pauli
  • Ventral margin of petiole a shallow lobe lacking anterior tooth (Fig. 14C and D) => 3
Fig. 14. Wadeura species, petiole lateral views. (A) W. guianensis (CASENT0640150). (B) W. pauli (CASENT0637806). (C) W. holmgreni (CASENT0373370). (D) W. holmgrenita (CASENT0637779). Scale bars are 0.2 mm.


return to couplet #3

  • Triangular projection of medial clypeus prominent, projecting beyond the outline of the clypeolabral juncture in full face view (Fig. 13C); HW > 0.8 => Wadeura holmgreni
  • Triangular projection of medial clypeus smaller, not projecting beyond the outline of the clypeolabral juncture (Fig. 13D); HW < 0.8 => Wadeura holmgrenita
Fig. 13. Wadeura species, face views. (A) W. guianensis (image by R. Perry, CASENT0249146). (B) W. pauli (image by M. Pierce, CASENT0637806). (C) W. holmgreni (image by M. Esposito, CASENT0373370). (D) W. holmgrenita (CASENT0637779). Scale bars are 0.5 mm.
