Nesomyrmex zaheri

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Nesomyrmex zaheri
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Crematogastrini
Genus: Nesomyrmex
Species group: angulatus
Species: N. zaheri
Binomial name
Nesomyrmex zaheri
Sharaf, Akbar & Hita Garcia, 2017

Nesomyrmex zaheri casent0906379 p 1 high.jpg

Nesomyrmex zaheri casent0906379 d 1 high.jpg

Specimen Labels

At present the new species is only known from the type locality, which is located near the Indian Ocean in southwestern Yemen near Aden. Nothing is known about the biology or nesting behavior of the species.


Sharaf et al. (2017) - A member of the angulatus species-group. This is the third Nesomyrmex species known from the Arabian Peninsula. The following character combination separates N. zaheri from the other Nesomyrmex species known from the Arabian Peninsula: third mandibular tooth relatively smaller and reduced; anterior clypeal lobe always conspicuously developed, convex and rounded, never with a small median triangular projection; pronotum anterodorsally without sharp, dentate corners; clypeus without median longitudinal carina; in profile mesosomal dorsum forming a single, uninterrupted flat surface without any trace of metanotal groove; petiole with very well developed node.

Nesomyrmex zaheri can be easily distinguished from Nesomyrmex humerosus. However, N. zaheri and N. angulatus are morphologically very similar and differ only by a few morphological characters. N. zaheri differs from N. angulatus by the lack of a median clypeal carina and a much shorter third mandibular tooth. In addition, N. zaheri has a slightly wider (DPpI 200 vs. 154–188) and higher (LPpI 57 vs. 68–91) postpetiole. These measurements may be found to overlap if additional specimens of N. zaheri become available.

Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 13.088622° to 13.088622°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Afrotropical Region: Yemen (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • zaheri. Nesomyrmex zaheri Sharaf, Akbar & Hita Garcia, 2017: 31, figs. 3B, 6 (w.) YEMEN.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype. HL 0.71; HW 0.55; SL 0.49; EL 0.17; PH 0.30; PW 0.42; WL 0.83; PSL 0.07; PTL 0.17; PTH 0.21; PTW 0.18; PPL 0.12; PPH 0.21; PPW 0.24; OI 31; SI 89; CI 77; DMI 51; LMI 36; PSLI 10; LPeI 81; DPeI 106; LPpI 57; DPpI 200; PPI 133.

Head. Masticatory margin of mandible with four teeth, decreasing in size from largest, acute apical tooth to smallest basal denticle; clypeus smoothly arched-convex and without a small median triangular projection; head in full-face view appearing almost rectangular, longer than broad (CI 77), sides of head almost straight, broader posteriorly behind eye level and narrowest directly behind posterior eye margin; posterior head margin slightly concave medially; frontal carinae and antennal scrobes absent; antennal scapes short, not reaching posterior head margin (SI 89). Eyes of moderate size (OI 31), with eight to nine ommatidia in the longest row.

Mesosoma. In lateral view mesosomal outline relatively low (LMI 36) and flat without any metanotal groove; promesonotal suture present laterally and completely absent dorsally; pronotum marginate between lateral and dorsal mesosoma, anterodorsal corners slightly denticulate; propodeum armed with short propodeal teeth (PSLI 10); propodeal lobes moderately developed and rounded.

Waist segments and gaster. Petiolar peduncle moderate short; in profile petiolar node relatively high and narrowing from base to apex, around 1.2 times as high as long (LPeI 81); anterior and petiolar faces truncate; node in dorsal view weakly wider than long (DPeI 106) and denticulate; in profile postpetiole globular, about 1.8 times as high as long (LPpI 57); in dorsal view about twice as wide as long (DPpI 200); postpetiole in dorsal view around 1.3 times as wide as petiolar node (PPI 133).

Sculpture. Mandibles shagreened with prominent but weak, irregular, longitudinal rugulae; median clypeal carina absent, two lateral, longitudinal, rugae on each side; cephalic dorsum posteriorly and laterally weekly reticulate-rugose, medially mostly with conspicuously reticulate-punctulate ground sculpture; mesosoma laterally and dorsally with distinct reticulate-punctulate ground sculpture, lateral mesosoma also with few conspicuously longitudinal rugae; dorsum reticulate-rugose with some irregular, longitudinal elements medially; legs unsculptured, smooth and shining; petiole and postpetiole with prominent reticulate-rugose sculpture superimposed on reticulate-punctulate ground sculpture; gastral tergites mostly smooth and shiny.

Pilosity and pubescence. Head, mesosoma, waist segments and gaster dorsally with stout, erect, blunt, and moderately short pilosity; head laterally and ventrally with short appressed to decumbent pubescence; pubescence on mesosoma and waist segments sparse to absent; gastral tergites with short appressed to decumbent pubescence.

Coloration. Body uniformly light brown with head darker and the appendages lighter in colouration.

Type Material

Holotype, pinned worker, Yemen: Al Kawd, 13.088622° N, 45.364722° E, light-trap, 6770, 07.IX.2001, (A. van Harten) (World Museum, Liverpool: CASENT0906379).


The patronym zaheri has been selected to honor the late famous Egyptian Qura’an reader Sheikh Abdel-Azim Zaher (1904–1971).


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Sharaf M.R., S. A. Akbar, A. S. Aldawood, and F. Hita Garcia. 2017. Review of the ant genus Nesomyrmex Wheeler, 1910 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) from the Arabian Peninsula. African Invertebrates 58(2): 21–37.