Adetomyrma caputleae

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Adetomyrma caputleae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Amblyoponinae
Tribe: Amblyoponini
Genus: Adetomyrma
Species: A. caputleae
Binomial name
Adetomyrma caputleae
Yoshimura & Fisher, 2012

Adetomyrma caputleae casent0227992 p 1 high.jpg

Adetomyrma caputleae casent0227992 d 1 high.jpg

Holotype Labels

At a Glance • Ergatoid queen  


Yoshimura & Fisher (2012) - The worker of Adetomyrma caputleae is easily distinguished from that of Adetomyrma bressleri and Adetomyrma goblin by the lack of a small denticle on the basal portion of the subapical tooth and by having more than one hair lateral to the longest anterior clypeal hairs, and from Adetomyrma venatrix by the flattened posterior margin of the head in full-face view and the swollen ventral margin of the head in lateral view. In the male, this species is distinguished from other Adetomyrma species by the combination of a smaller lateral ocellus distant from the eye, the relatively longer dorsal margin than anterior margin of the petiole, the paramere without projection or lobe, and the brown body color.

Yoshimura and Fisher. 2012. Fig 7-8.
Yoshimura and Fisher. 2012. Fig 21-22.

Geographical variation in male characters can be observed in body size, wing color, head shape, and the development of the subpetiolar process and its hairs. The smallest specimens are often similar to males of A. venatrix; however, the diagnostic characters above still separate A. caputleae from A. venatrix. Specimens from Forêt d'Atsirakambiaty (20° 35.6´ S, 46° 33.8´ E, 1550 m alt.) show larger morphological differences from the others in wing color and head shape. The Forêt d'Atsirakambiaty specimens were separately listed as A. mg05 in Yoshimura & Fisher (2012). However, our detailed examination revealed that the apparent differences appear in only one parapatric population. Moreover, the morphological differences are not very consistent, which are observed even within members of a single colony. Therefore these morphological differences should be regarded as intraspecific variations.

Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: -18.20777778° to -22.15388889°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Malagasy Region: Madagascar (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




Images from AntWeb

Adetomyrma caputleae casent0227992 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227992 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227992 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227992 l 1 high.jpg
Holotype of Adetomyrma caputleaeWorker. Specimen code casent0227992. Photographer Ryan Perry, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Adetomyrma caputleae casent0004352 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004352 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004352 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004352 l 1 high.jpg
Paratype of Adetomyrma caputleaeWorker. Specimen code casent0004352. Photographer April Nobile, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by NHMUK, London, UK.
Adetomyrma caputleae casent0004358 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004358 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004358 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004358 l 1 high.jpg
Worker. Specimen code casent0004358. Photographer April Nobile, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Adetomyrma caputleae casent0227994 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227994 h 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227994 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227994 p 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227994 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227994 l 1 high.jpg
Paratype of Adetomyrma caputleaeWorker. Specimen code casent0227994. Photographer Ryan Perry, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Additional worker specimen images can be found here.


Images from AntWeb

Adetomyrma caputleae casent0011473 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0011473 h 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0011473 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0011473 p 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0011473 p 3 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0011473 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0011473 l 1 high.jpg
Paratype of Adetomyrma caputleaeMale (alate). Specimen code casent0011473. Photographer Ryan Perry, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Adetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 h 3 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 h 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 p 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 p 3 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0227999 l 1 high.jpg
Paratype of Adetomyrma caputleaeMale (alate). Specimen code casent0227999. Photographer Ryan Perry, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by MHNG, Geneva, Switzerland.
Adetomyrma caputleae casent0004353 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004353 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004353 p 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004353 p 3 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004353 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0004353 l 1 high.jpg
Paratype of Adetomyrma caputleaeMale (alate). Specimen code casent0004353. Photographer Ryan Perry, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by NHMUK, London, UK.
Adetomyrma caputleae casent0008688 h 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0008688 p 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0008688 p 2 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0008688 p 3 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0008688 d 1 high.jpgAdetomyrma caputleae casent0008688 l 1 high.jpg
Male (alate). Specimen code casent0008688. Photographer April Nobile, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Additional male specimen images can be found here.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • caputleae. Adetomyrma caputleae Yoshimura & Fisher, 2012b: 17, figs. 8, 11, 21, 31, 40, 49, 58, 66, 75, 76, 82, 85, 87, 89, 91, 92 (w.q.m.) MADAGASCAR.
    • Type-material: holotype worker, 7 paratype workers, 7 paratype males.
    • Type-locality: holotype Madagascar: Antananarivo, 3 km. 41° NE Andranomay, 11.5 km. 147° SSE Anjozorobe, 18°28.4’S, 47°57.6’E, 1300 m., 5-13.xii.2000, BLF02537, montane rainforest, ex rotten log (B.L. Fisher, C.E. Griswold, et al.); paratypes with same data.
    • Type-depositories: CASC (holotype); BMNH, CASC, MCZC, MHNG, NHMB (paratypes).
    • Distribution: Madagascar.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Measurements: holotype. HL 0.72, HW 0.7, SL 0.44, HD 0.5, WL 1.01, PnW 0.47, MnW 0.26, PpW 0.36, PtW 0.39, CI 97.4, SI 63.1, MnI 36.5, PpI 142.7, PtI 106.3. HL 0.57–0.72, HW 0.53–0.7, SL 0.35–0.45, HD 0.36–0.5, WL 0.81–1.05, PnW 0.36–0.45, MnW 0.2–0.26, PpW 0.3–0.37, PtW 0.27–0.4, CI 91.9–97.9, SI 60.4–68.9, MnI 37.2–38.8, PpI 140.7–149.5, PtI 91.3–107 (10 individuals measured).

Head quadrate in full-face view, almost as long as wide; sides slightly convex, widening near the mandibular insertions, converging posteriorly; posterior margin almost flat. Clypeal principal surface deflected ventrally. Anterior margin of clypeus broadly convex with small, shallow central concavity, and furnished with a row of about 26 small, specialized conical setae. Frontal carinae in full-face view short and low, expanded laterally as small frontal lobes covering more than about 2x the length of antennal insertions. Mandible subfalcate, without distinct basal and masticatory margins: inner margin with two apical teeth and three basal denticles; no denticle on base of subapical tooth (second tooth from apex); apical-most denticle slightly larger than other two; sometimes basal-most (third from apical-most one) denticle divided into two adjacent small, low denticles (CASENT004363). Palpal formula 3,3 (three maxillary and three labial). Antennal scape shorter than head length. Pedicel (the second antennal segment) shorter than combined length of next three (third to fifth) antennal segments. Antenna gradually broadened from third segment and not forming a distinct club. Dorsal outline of mesosoma in lateral view flattened, mesonotum not raised from pronotal and propodeal dorsum. Pronotum in dorsal view longer than broad, with convex sides. Mesonotum in dorsal view short, 2x as wide as long. Metapleuron fully fused with propodeum, division of the two plates not distinguishable in lateral view. Dorsal face of propodeum narrower than pronotum, about 1.5x longer than wide, with subparallel sides converging slightly toward mesonotum. Propodeum in lateral view, its dorsal margin 2x or less the length of its declivity, and rounding gently into the latter. Propodeal spiracle medium sized, distant from propodeal dorsal margin in lateral view, usually not visible in dorsal view. Subpetiolar process distinctly developed, shaped like an irregular axe blade. Shallow and dense punctures covering dorsal head, mesosoma, abdomen, and ventral head. Clypeus with two groups of hairs; mid clypeal hairs directed dorsally, and anterior clypeal hairs deflected anteriorly. Mid clypeal hairs consisting of one long hair and one to several shorter hairs around the long one. With head in full-face view, anterior clypeal hairs consisting of one pair of long hairs and two (sometimes three) shorter hairs laterally.


Ergatoid queen of A. caputleae, in comprison to winged queen of Adetomyrma goblin. From Yoshimura & Fisher 2012)

Measurements: HL 0.92–1.07, HW 1.05–1.18, SL 0.53–0.56, EL 0.07–0.07, WL 1.4–1.48, MnW 0.55–0.68, PpW 0.74–0.78, PtW 0.81–0.93, CI 108.1–114.6, SI 47.1–51, EI 6.9–7.2, MnI 51.1–57.7, PpI 114.2–134.4, PtI 110–126.1 (3 individuals measured).

Ergatoid. Head quadrate in full-face view, almost as long as wide; sides slightly convex; posterior margin slightly concave. Eye small, consisting of about seven ommatidia. Mid ocellus vestigial in a small concavity. Lateral ocelli absent. Clypeal principal surface not strongly deflected. Anterior margin of clypeus with central concavity, and furnished with a row of about 17 small, specialized, conical setae. Frontal lobes separated by midposterior portion of clypeus. Mandible subfalcate, without distinct basal and masticatory margins, inner margin with two apical teeth and two low and dull basal denticles, no denticle on base of subapical tooth (second tooth from apex). Antennal scape 0.5x as long as combined length of pedicel and flagellum. First flagellomere as long as wide. Distal antennal segments not forming distinct club. In lateral view, mesosomal dorsum somewhat flattened; pronotum occupying entire anterior and about 0.33x of dorsal margins; mesonotum reduced in size and only occupying about 0.33x of mesosomal dorsal margin; metanotum not visible; propodeum occupying about 0.33x of remaining dorsal and posterior margins. With mesosoma in dorsal view, division between mesoscutum and mesoscutellum often unclear; axillae not distinct; metanotum reduced into narrow tip; and propodeum distinctly widened posteriorly. Propodeal spiracle in lateral view located close to propodeal declivity in lateral view, distance from declivity margin as long as diameter of spiracle. Petiole stouter than that in conspecific worker, distinctly wider than long, width approximately same as that of propodeum in dorsal view, anterodorsal portion more protruding anteriorly in lateral view. When metasoma seen in dorsal view, little difference in width present between posterior portion of petiole and anterior portion of abdominal segment III.

Clypeus with long hairs; division of mid clypeal hairs and anterior clypeal hairs unclear. With head in full-face view, anterior portion of clypeus with one pair of long hairs and two (sometimes three) shorter hairs laterally. Body surface with denser appressed hairs than in conspecific workers.


Measurements: HL 0.64–0.73, HW 0.91–1.1, SL 0.2–0.26, EL 0.39–0.44, WL 1.84–2.03, MnW 1.13–1.27, CI 143–151.2, SI 21–24.3, EI 60.4–67, MnI 114.8–124.1 (5 individuals measured).

Eye well developed and prominent, posterior margin not exceeding posterior margin of mid ocellus in full-face view. Distance between lateral ocellus and eye longer than 1.5x diameter of lateral ocellus. Palpal formula 3,3 (three maxillary and three labial). Notaulus absent on mesoscutum. Parapsidal line clearly impressed. Anterior margin of petiole as long as or shorter than dorsal margin in lateral view. Subpetiolar process well developed, usually with more than five hairs ventrally.

Left and right parameres not overlapping or narrowly overlapping on dorsal small part of basimere. No distinct projection or lobe present on posterodorsal portion of paramere. Basal ring not reduced, covering whole anterior margin of paramere in lateral view. Basal projection on cuspis clear but not extraordinarily well developed. Aedeagus in lateral view; narrowing from base of ventral projection; apical margin relatively sharp with a small, broadly triangular projection on posteroventral portion; posteroventral margin of ventral projection convex.

Hair on compound eyes short, 0.33x to 0.5x diameter of mid ocellus. Mesofemur in dorsal view, its anterior face with dense decumbent hairs, and sometimes one or two longer suberect hairs. Ventral margin of eye not edged with darker pigment or punctures. Body color uniform dark brown.

Type Material

Holotype. Worker: CASENT0227992, BLF02537, MADAGASCAR, Antananarivo, 3 km 41° NE Andranomay, 11.5 km 147° SSE Anjozorobe, 18° 28.4´ S, 47° 57.6´ E, 1300m alt., montane rainforest, ex rotten log, 5–13.xii.2000, Fisher, Griswold et al. leg. California Academy of Sciences

Paratypes. 7 workers: CASENT0004352 The Natural History Museum, CASENT0227993 [CASC], CASENT0227994 [CASC], CASENT0227995 [CASC], CASENT0227996 Museum of Comparative Zoology, CASENT0227997 Musee d'Histoire Naturelle Genève, CASENT0227998 Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, 7 males: CASENT0004353 [BMNH], CASENT0011473 [CASC], CASENT0227978 [CASC], CASENT0227979 [CASC], CASENT0227980 [MCZC], CASENT0227999 [MHNG], CASENT0247048 [NHMB], with same data as holotype.


This species name is derived from the Latin words caput (head) and lea (lioness), referring to the stout, thick head of the new species. The species epithet is treated as a noun in apposition, and thus invariant.

Determination Clarifications

This new species corresponds to the following species codes used in previous studies: sp.2a: Saux et al. 2004; sp.2b: Saux et al. 2004; Moreau et al. 2006; MAD02: Brady et al. 2006; sp.Ma-02: Ouellette et al. 2006; sp.Ma-04: Ouellette et al. 2006; mg02: Yoshimura & Fisher, 2012; mg05: Yoshimura & Fisher, 2012


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Yoshimura M., B.L. Fisher. 2012. A revision of the Malagasy endemic genus Adetomyrma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Amblyoponinae). Zootaxa 3341: 1-31.
  • Yoshimura, M., and B. L. Fisher. "A revision of the Malagasy endemic genus Adetomyrma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Amblyoponinae)." Zootaxa 3341 (2012): 1-31.