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There are six species in this myrmecophilous genus of Histeridae. Occur in the nests of Solenopsis.

Hippeutister is easily recognizable among Hetaeriinae, and almost undoubtedly monophyletic. It is most easily recognized by the broad, weakly convex prosternum with strongly divergent carinal striae, its deeply, triangularly emarginate prosternal keel, and by the correspondingly broad mesosternal projection (Fig. 6). A number of other features are more unusual among neotropical Hetaeriinae, and are also useful in recognizing members of Hippeutister. They have a cylindrical, obliquely truncate antennal club (Fig. 3B), the frons is longitudinally depressed along inner edge of eye, resulting in a distinct ocular carina (Fig. 7), the prosternum has an extra, third pair of carinal striae (Fig. 6), the pronotum exhibits oblique depressions extending forward from posterior corners (Figs. 4, 5), the elytra lack striae (though they may be weakly marked by punctures or setae), and the dorsum of the elytra is margined by a strong epipleural carina (Figs. 4, 8). It is most similar to members of the genus Poneralister Bruch, which are identical in characters of the frontal carinae. The pro- and mesosternal characters of Hippeutister separate the two genera easily.

List of Hippeutister and their Host Ants
Genus and species Author and Year Ant Host Distribution Notes
Hippeutister amabilis Wenzel, 1938 Solenopsis xyloni Mexico
Hippeutister californicus Caterino & Tishechken, 2008 Solenopsis amblychila California
Hippeutister castaneus Lewis, 1891 ants Belize, Mexico
Hippeutister manicatus Lewis, 1891 Solenopsis geminata Costa Rica, Mexico
Hippeutister plaumanni Reichensperger, 1936 Solenopsis saevissima Brazil
Hippeutister solisi Caterino & Tishechken, 2008 ants Costa Rica


  • Lewis, G. (1891) On new species of Histeridae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (6) 8.
  • Reichensperger, A. (1935) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilenfauna Brasiliens und Costa Ricas III (Col. Staphyl. Hist.). Arbeiten über Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem, 2 (3).
  • Reichensperger, A. (1936) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmecophilen- und Termitophilenfauna Brasiliens und Costa Ricas. IV (Col. Hist. Staphyl. Pselaph.). Revista de Entomologia, 6 (2).
  • Wenzel, R.L. (1938) New and little known Neotropical Hetaeriomorphini (Col. Histeridae). Revista de Entomologia, 9.