Batrisodes grossus

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Batrisodes grossus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Beetle
Suborder: Polyphaga
Family: Staphylinidae
Genus: Batrisodes
Species: B. grossus
Binomial name
Batrisodes grossus
Jiang, Ri-Xin & Zi-Wei Yin, 2017


The new species can be separated from other Chinese Batrisodes species by the following combination of characters: head dorsum, pronotum, and elytra roughly punctate, antennomeres III–V wider than VI–X, mesotrochanter, mesofemur, and mesotibia spinose, and slightly asymmetrical aedeagus expanded at the apex.





Ant host: Odontomachus All adults were collected from an Odontomachus colony in a tree hole.


  • Park, O. New or little known species of pselaphid beetles from southeastern United States. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science, 31 (1): 54-100. (1956).
  • Yin, Zi-Wei, Jia-Wei Shen & Li-Zhen Li. New species and new combinations of Asian Batrisodes Reitter (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae), and synonymy of Batrisodellus Jeannel with Batrisodes. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 62 (1): 45-54. (2015).