Key to Asian Stigmatomma
This key to Asian Stigmatomma based on workers is modified from Xu & Chu (2012) and Hamer et al. (2023).
- Antennae 10- or 11-segmented . . . . . 2 - also see the 2017 Key to Asian Stigmatomma with 11 antennomeres
- Antennae 12-segmented . . . . . 5
return to couplet #1
- Antennae 10-segmented (Japan) (Figs. 1-2, see next couplet) . . . . . Stigmatomma fulvidum
- Antennae 11-segmented . . . . . 3
return to couplet #2
- In full-face view, head about as broad as long. Mandibles deeply split at third tooth counting from apex. In profile view, subpetiolar process short and broad, roughly square (Figs. 3-4) . . . . . Stigmatomma pertinax (India) and Stigmatomma draconis (China)
- In full-face view, head distinctly longer than broad. Mandibles not deeply split at third tooth counting from apex. In profile view, subpetiolar process long and narrow, slender . . . . . 4
return to couplet #3
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with 5 teeth. In profile view, posterodorsal corner of propodeum and anterodorsal corner of petiolar node rounded. Subpetiolar process oblique (Japan) (Figs. 5-6) . . . . . Stigmatomma caliginosum
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with 8 teeth. In profile view, posterodorsal corner of propodeum and anterodorsal corner of petiolar node bluntly angled. Subpetiolar process horizontal (China: Taiwan) (Figs. 7-8) . . . . . Stigmatomma sakaii
return to couplet #1
- In full-face view, head nearly square, about as broad as long . . . . . 6
- In full-face view, head elongate trapezoidal, distinctly longer than broad . . . . . 12
return to couplet #5
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with 4-6 minute rectangular denticles . . . . . 7
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with 10-16 triangular or rectangular denticles . . . . . 9
return to couplet #6
- In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node bluntly angled; subpetiolar process roughly rectangular, anteroventral corner acutely angled (China: Guangxi) (Figs. 9-10) . . . . . Stigmatomma eminia
- In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node rounded, anterior face vertical to dorsal face; subpetiolar process triangular or square . . . . . 8
return to couplet #7
- In full-face view, occipital margin narrowly deeply concave in the middle. In profile view, subpetiolar process triangular (China: Hunan) (Figs. 11-12) . . . . . Stigmatomma rubiginoum
- In full-face view, occipital margin widely weakly concave. In profile view, subpetiolar process roughly square (China: Tibet and Yunnan) (Figs. 13-15) . . . . . Stigmatomma kangba
return to couplet #6
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with about 10 denticles, and a large protruding tooth on each side (India) (Figs. 16-17) . . . . . Stigmatomma bellii
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with 12-17 denticles, lateral sides without protruding large teeth . . . . . 10
return to couplet #9
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with about 17 denticles. Eyes larger, with its diameter about as broad as the width of antennal scape (Indonesia) (Figs. 18-19) . . . . . Stigmatomma reclinatum
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with about 12 denticles. Eyes smaller, with its diameter narrower than the width of antennal scape . . . . . 11
return to couplet #10
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with about 12 rectangular denticles. Occipital corners rounded (China: Taiwan) (Figs. 20-21) . . . . . Stigmatomma bruni
- In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin with about 12 triangular denticles. Occipital corners blunt (Vietnam) . . . . . Stigmatomma quadratum
return to couplet #5
- Anterior clypeal margin with more than 10 denticles, the denticles not divided into lobes . . . . . 13
- Anterior clypeal margin with less than 10 teeth or lobes, some teeth maybe divided into lobes. . . . . . 15
return to couplet #12
- Anterior clypeal margin with 10 denticles, and a large triangular tooth on each side (Myanmar) (Figs. 22-23) . . . . . Stigmatomma feae
- Anterior clypeal margin with 12-15 denticles, lateral sides without large triangular teeth . . . . . 14
return to couplet #13
- In full-face view, occipital margin weakly concave. Anterior clypeal margin with about 12 denticles. In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node bluntly angled. Posteroventral corner of subpetiolar process acutely toothed (China: Yunnan) (Figs. 24-25) . . . . . Stigmatomma crenatum
- In full-face view, occipital margin nearly straight. Anterior clypeal margin with about 15 denticles. In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node rounded. Posteroventral corner of subpetiolar process rightly angled (India) (Figs. 26-27) . . . . . Stigmatomma rothneyi
return to couplet #12
- Anterior clypeal margin with a broad large middle lobe, each side with 1 or 2 simple teeth and a narrow small lateral lobe . . . . . 16
- Anterior clypeal margin without a broad large middle lobe, teeth simple or pairly combined at base . . . . . 19
return to couplet #15
- Anterior clypeal margin with 2 simple teeth between the middle and lateral lobes. The middle lobe truncated at apex, and with a small denticle on each side (China: Tibet) (Figs. 28-30) . . . . . Stigmatomma zoma
- Anterior clypeal margin with 1 simple tooth between the middle and lateral lobes. The middle lobe with 4 denticles . . . . . 17
return to couplet #16
- In full-face view, occipital margin narrowly weakly concave in the middle. Occipital corners rounded. Eyes absent (China: Yunnan) (Figs. 31-32) . . . . . Stigmatomma trilobum
- In full-face view, occipital margin widely weakly concave. Occipital corners prominent. Eyes present . . . . . 18
return to couplet #17
- In full-face view, lateral sides of head nearly straight, anterolateral corner with a short tooth. Lateral lobes of anterior clypeal margin bifid at apex. Eyes each with 5 facets. In profile view, subpetiolar process roughly triangular (China: Yunnan) (Figs. 33-35) . . . . . Stigmatomma meilianum
- In full-face view, lateral sides of head weakly convex, anterolateral corner with a long tooth. Lateral lobes of anterior clypeal margin simple. Eyes each with about 18 facets. In profile view, subpetiolar process roughly rectangular (New Guinea) (Figs. 36-37) . . . . . Stigmatomma noonadan
return to couplet #15
- Anterior clypeal margin with 6 teeth . . . . . 20
- Anterior clypeal margin with 7-8 teeth . . . . . 22
return to couplet #19
- Anterior clypeal margin straight, with 6 isolated teeth, the lateral ones larger than the others (Fig. 38) . . . . . Stigmatomma amblyops (Vietnam) and Stigmatomma pagei (China)
- Anterior clypeal margin roundly convex, the median 2 teeth combined at base, the lateral ones not larger than the others . . . . . 21
return to couplet #20
- The lateral 2 teeth of the anterior clypeal margin combined at base. Mandibles relatively narrow (New Guinea) (Figs. 39-40) . . . . . Fulakora papuana
- The lateral 2 teeth of the anterior clypeal margin isolated. Mandibles relatively broad (Indonesia) (Figs. 41-42) . . . . . Stigmatomma minutum
return to couplet #19
- Anterior clypeal margin with 7 teeth. Anterolateral curve of clypeus with a tooth . . . . . 23
- Anterior clypeal margin with 8 teeth. Anterolateral curve of clypeus without a tooth. . . . . . 24
return to couplet #22
- In full-face view, head weakly longer than broad. Eyes present. Anterior clypeal teeth isolated, not pairly combined. In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node rounded, subpetiolar process roughly rectangular (Israel) (Figs. 43-44) . . . . . Stigmatomma ophthalmicum
- In full-face view, head strongly longer than broad. Eyes absent. Anterior clypeal teeth pairly combined at base. In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node bluntly angled, subpetiolar process triangular (India) (Figs. 45-46) . . . . . Stigmatomma boltoni
return to couplet #22
- Anterior clypeal teeth pairly combined at base . . . . . 25
- Anterior clypeal teeth isolated, not pairly combined at base . . . . . 27
return to couplet #24
- Dorsolateral sides of alitrunk and petiole strongly marginated (Philippines) (Figs. 47-48) . . . . . Stigmatomma luzonicum
- Dorsolateral sides of alitrunk and petiole rounded, not marginated . . . . . 26
return to couplet #25
- In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node acutely angled, anterior face weakly concave, dorsal face straight (China: Zhejiang and Taiwan; Korea Peninsula, Japan) (Figs. 49-50) . . . . . Stigmatomma silvestrii
- In profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node rightly angled, anterior face straight, dorsal face weakly convex (China: Yunnan and Tibet) (Figs. 51-56) . . . . . Stigmatomma awa
return to couplet #24
- Anterior clypeal margin roundly convex, the clypeal teeth decreased in length from middle to lateral sides (Turkmenia) (Fig. 57) . . . . . Stigmatomma annae
- Anterior clypeal margin straight, the clypeal teeth with the similar length . . . . . 28
return to couplet #27
- In full-face view, occipital corners rounded, lateral sides of head nearly straight. In profile view, posterodorsal corner of propodeum rounded. Anterior face of petiolar node straight (China: Yunnan) (Figs. 58-59) . . . . . Stigmatomma octodentatum
- In full-face view, occipital corners prominent, lateral sides of head evenly convex. In profile view, posterodorsal corner of propodeum bluntly angled. Anterior face of petiolar node weakly concave (China: Taiwan) (Figs. 60-61) . . . . . Stigmatomma zaojun
- Hamer, M.T., Pierce, M.P., Guénard, B. 2023. The Amblyoponinae (Formicidae) of Hong Kong. Asian Myrmecology 16, e016005 (doi:10.20362/am.016005).
- Xu, Z. & Chu, J. 2012. Four new species of the amblyoponine ant genus Amblyopone from southwestern China with a key to the known Asian species. Sociobiology. 59:1175-1196.. Asian Stigmatomma with 11 antennomeres should be determined to species using the 2017: Key to Asian Stigmatomma with 11 antennomeres.