Polyrhachis cyaniventris

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Polyrhachis cyaniventris
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribe: Camponotini
Genus: Polyrhachis
Subgenus: Myrma
Species: P. cyaniventris
Binomial name
Polyrhachis cyaniventris
Smith, F., 1858

Polyrhachis-cyaniventris hal.jpg

Polyrhachis-cyaniventris had.jpg

Specimen Label


Habitats range from degraded primary dipterocarp forests to secondary forests and even extensively used coconut groves with rich undergrowth in lowlands and low montane regions. The second author frequently collected workers and gynes during daytime foraging on leaves and twigs of small trees and bushes, rarely on the ground, but did not encounter nest sites. Gary Alpert (in litt.) found nests occupying cavities in branches, both on the ground and in low vegetation; one nest had approximately 100 individuals and a single queen. (Sorger and Zettel 2009)


A member of the Polyrhachis cyaniventris species-group. Sorger and Zettel (2009) - Although P. cyaniventris is clearly more pilose than Polyrhachis pirata, pilosity appears strongly variable. It is suspected that this is caused by partially rubbed off setae.

Keys including this Species


Philippines: Central and Southern Luzon, Catanduanes, Mindoro, Samar, Leyte.

Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 13.30563° to 13.3056°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Indo-Australian Region: Philippines (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




P cyaniventris Fig 5-6.jpg


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • cyaniventris. Polyrhachis cyaniventris Smith, F. 1858b: 70, pl. 4, fig. 47 (w.) PHILIPPINES. Forel, 1910d: 128 (q.). Combination in P. (Myrma): Emery, 1925b: 201. Senior synonym of cyaneus: Roger, 1863b: 9. See also: Sorger & Zettel, 2009: 30.
  • cyaneus. Polyrhachis cyaneus Mayr, 1862: 684, pl. 19, fig. 6 (w.) PHILIPPINES. Junior synonym of cyaniventris: Roger, 1863b: 9.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Sorger and Zettel (2009) - Holotype of Polyrhachis cyaneus (worker): TL 9.5 mm, HW 2.08 mm, HL 2.48 mm, CI 84, SL 2.99 mm, SI 144, PSPD 2.63 mm, PPL 1.04 mm, PPW 1.48 mm, PPI 142, PTW 2.55 mm, MTL 2.95 mm. Additional workers (n = 10): TL 7.9–8.9–10.1 mm, HW 1.70–2.01–2.30 mm, HL 2.06–2.36–2.70 mm, CI 79–85–97, SL 2.58–2.88–3.23 mm, SI 132–144–155, PSPD 2.05–2.58–3.13 mm, PPL 0.80–0.98–1.15 mm, PPW 1.05–1.33–1.55 mm, PPI 127–137–151, PTW 2.03–2.37–2.88 mm, MTL 2.55–2.90–3.25 mm.

Head, mesosoma, petiole, and gaster with dark bluish shimmer. Antennae and legs black, except femora bluish; in some specimens tibiae partially reddish brown.

Head sides and dorsum with distinct longitudinal striation overlaying microsculpture, venter with 9–12–15 setae. Vertex with 2–13–20 setae. Frons with 6–9–11 setae, median furrow indistinct. Genae with 0–6–12 setae. Clypeus on disk with 4–13–20 setae.

Dorsal face of mesosoma with 3–36–60 setae, in addition to microsculpture with longitudinal rugae. Pronotal spines gracile and, in cross-section, rather flat (if compared with P. pirata sp. n.), their bases not or indistinctly raised over anterior pronotal disk. Propodeum with dorsal and posterior face separated by almost straight ridge. Sides of mesosoma, in addition to microsculpture, overlaid by longitudinal rugae, on propodeum dorsal of stigma slightly coarser. Femora with 4–13–20 setae, tibiae with 0–1–5 setae.

Gaster with isodiametric reticulum overlaid with fine striation; tergite 1 with 4–25–40 setae, tergite 2 with 12–15–20 setae, following tergites and all sternites with numerous setae increasing in length towards apex of abdomen.


Sorger and Zettel (2009) - (n = 10): TL 9.4–10.5–10.9 mm, HW 2.00–2.13–2.25 mm, HL 2.38–2.61–2.73 mm, CI 79–82–89, SL 2.76–2.98–3.16 mm, SI 131–140–145, PSPD 2.36–2.62–2.88 mm, PPL 0.75–0.89–1.00 mm, PPW 1.38–1.53–1.65 mm, PPI 152–172–189, PTW 1.98–2.29–2.45 mm, MTL 2.95–3.09–3.23 mm.

Microsculpture on pronotum overlaid with fine striation, on propodeum overlaid with distinctly coarser striation than on pronotum. Gaster punctate, with very fine overlaying striation.

Chaetotaxy: on disk of clypeus 6–13–16, on frons 7–12–14, on vertex 15–20–28, on venter of head 10–13–19, on genae 2–8–14 setae. On dorsum of mesosoma 47–62–72 setae. On femora 12–21–36, on tibiae 1–8–17 setae. On tergite 1 30–41–55, on tergite 2 19– 25–40 setae.

Type Material

Sorger and Zettel (2009) - Holotype of P. cyanea (worker) labelled “Manilla” [Luzon: Manila], “Wthm.”, “Polyrhach.\ cyaneus M.\ det. G. Mayr.”, “Polyrhachis cyanus Mayr.” (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna). In addition, we have seen photographs of the holotype of P. cyaniventris (in The Natural History Museum) and can confirm species identity.


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Ashmead W. H. 1904. A list of the Hymenoptera of the Philippine Islands, with descriptions of new species. J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 12:1-22.
  • Chapman, J. W., and Capco, S. R. 1951. Check list of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Asia. Monogr. Inst. Sci. Technol. Manila 1: 1-327
  • General D. M., and G. D. Alpert. 2012. A synoptic review of the ant genera (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Philippines. Zookeys 200: 1-111.
  • Robson Simon Database Polyrhachis -05 Sept 2014
  • Sorger D. M.; Zettel, H. 2009. Polyrhachis (Myrma) cyaniventris F. Smith, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and a related new ant species from the Philippines. Zootaxa 2174:27-37.
  • Viehmeyer H. 1916. Ameisen von den Philippinen und anderer Herkunft (Hym.). Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin-Dahlem 5: 283-291.